A holeFan Road Rover Mission Control:

Special thanks goes to Dan Morales for providing the Spanish version of the files and translations. Also to Andreas Mueller for providing the German version of the files and translations.

Here is the main title song from "Road Rovers" I contacted Dawn Sturm (Assistant to the Executive Producer) at Warner Bros. and she sent me a copy of the official lyrics. So here they are:

Road Rovers Main title (original format) Lyrics by Tom Ruegger


Barkin', scratchin', frisbee-catchin'

Presidential pets

Hunter: "That's us"

change into the canines who

drive souped-up cars and jets

Colleen: "Comin' through"

Tookus-nippin', toilet-sippin'

Soarin' through the sky

Exile: "I like it"

Lickin', droolin', quick refuelin'

Who says dogs can't fly?

Blitz: "Not me"

Speedin', crashin', villain-smashin'

vehicles explode

Road Rovers: "Oooh"

Chasin', racin' down the road

Road Rovers

Hunter is a hero hound

leader of the pack

Hunter: "Huh. Cool"

Colleen comes from London town

watch her feet attack

Colleen: "Hi-Ya"

Exile's from Siberia

with super frozen sight

Exile: "That's me"

Blitz chews on posteriors

his bark's worse than his bite

Blitz: "I'm perfect"

Shag is strong from head to toe

a coward through and through

Shag: "Ruff, ruff, ruff"

Muzzle's stack is gonna blow

he's short a screw or two

Muzzle: "Uhh, Uhh"

They fight for right both day and night

in every episode

Hunter: "Let's roll"

Now it's time to hit the road

Road Rovers

Road Rovers (Spanish format) As translated by Daniel Morales and Fernanda Esquer


Juegan, rascan, cuidan, saltan,

muy profesional

Hunter: "Somos nosotros"

Y siendo caninos-sapien,

salen a ganar

Colleen: "Aqui vamos!"

Muerden, beben, donde pueden,

salen a volar

Exilio: "Grandioso!"

A los perros super heroes

no pueden parar

Blitz: "Yo no!"

Estrellados, expulsados,

prontos a ganar

Rovers: "Ohh!"

Rodando por el camino,


Hunter es un gran campeon,

lider sin igual

Hunter: "Huh, genial!"

De Londres lleno Colleen,

Veanla atacar

Colleen: "Hi ya!"

De Siberia llega Exilio,

y te congelara

Exilio: "Soy yo!"

Blitz a todos ha mordido,

es pura vanidad

Blitz: "Soy perfecto!"

Shag es fuerte como un oso,

sin mucho valor

Shag: "Ruff, ruff, ruff!"

Musculo es un poco loco,

y sin condicion

Musculo: "Uh uh!"

Vuelan, corren y pelean,

en cada situacion

Hunter: "A la carga!"

No te vayas, pues ya llegan

Road Rovers (German format) As translated by Andreas Mueller


Gutgelaunte Lieblinge der Staatsmaenner der Welt.
Good humored favorites of the world leaders.
Hunter: Sind wir.
Hunter: "That's us."

Und mit Superkraeften helfen wir wenn's euch gefaellt.
We're coming with superpowers and help you if you like.
Colleen: "Komme schon!"
Colleen: "Coming trough!"

Auf dem Wasser, unter Wasser, folgen wir der Spur.
On the water, under the water. We follow the track.
Wanja: "Find ich gut!"
Exile: "I like it!"

Freundlich, ruhlos, eine Meute. Wir sind stets auf Tour.
Friendly, restless, one pack, we are always one tour.
Blitz: "Und wie !"
Blitz: "You bet!"

Kollisionen, Explosionen, uns schreckt das kein Stueck.
Collisions, explosions doesn't scare us a bit.
Alle: "Ahhh!"
All: "Ahhh!"

Megahunde sind zum Glueck ROAD ROVERS.
Superdogs are fortunately - ROAD ROVERS.

Hunter ist ein echter Held, er spielt den Steuermann.
Hunter is a TRUE hero, he plays the wheelsman.
Hunter: "Ha, cool!"
Hunter: "That's cool!"

London das ist Majestaet, sie greift mit Fuessen an.
London thats Majesty, she attacks with her feet.
Colleen: "Ja!"
Colleen: "Yes!"

Wanja aus Sibirien mit eiseskaltem Blick.
Wanja from Siberia with an ice cold sight.
Wanja: "Bin ich!"
Exile: "That's me!"

Blitz beisst immer gieriger und findet sich todschick.
Blitz is biting greddier and thinks he's soo chic.
Blitz: "Ich bin todschick."
Blitz: "I'm soo chic."

Tell ist stark wie ein Titat doch mutig ist er nicht.
Tell is strong like a Titan but not brave.
Tell: "Wuff Wuff Wuff."
Shag: "Woof Woof Woof."

Hanibal ist ein Vulkan aus dem die Lava bricht.
Hanibal is a volcano that spells out lava.
Hanibal: "Uhh, Uhh"
Muzzle: "Uhh, Uhh"

Sie kaempfen fuer Gerechtigkeit in jeder Folge neu.
They fight for justice in every episode.
Hunter: "Auf geht's!"
Hunter: "Let's go!"

Megahunde ohne Scheu - ROAD ROVERS.
Superdogs without shyness - ROAD ROVERS.

Road Rovers (new format) Lyrics by Tom Ruegger


Barkin', scratchin', frisbee-catchin'

Presidential pets

Hunter: "Gather round"

change into the canines who

drive souped-up cars and jets

Colleen: "We all here?"

Tookus-nippin', toilet-sippin'

Soarin' through the sky

Exile: "I'm all set"

Lickin', droolin', quick refuelin'

Who says dogs can't fly?

Blitz: "Let's do it"

Speedin', crashin', villain smashin'

Vehicles explode

Hunter: "All right. Here we go"

Chasin', racin' down the road

Road Rovers

Hunter is a hero hound

leader of the pack

Hunter: "I was off"

Colleen comes from London town

watch her feet attack

Colleen: "Way off"

Exile's from Siberia

with super frozen sight

Exile: "You were flat"

Blitz chews on posteriors

his bark's worse than his bite

Blitz: "I was perfect"

Shag is strong from head to toe

a coward through and through

Shag: "Ruff, ruff, ruff"

Muzzle's stack is gonna blow

he's short a screw or two

Muzzle: "Uhh, Uhh"

They fight for right both day and night

in every episode

Hunter: "All together now"

Now it's time to hit the road

Road Rovers

Russian Names Song Lyrics by Tom Ruegger (from a poem)


Mysterious Voice: "State your name?"

Exile: "Exilo Mikhailovich SanHusky"

Mysterious Voice: "What kind of name is that!"

Exile: "It is Russian... All Russian names are like this."

Colleen: "That's right. You see..."

(Music Starts)

Colleen: "Russian names are a kind of a game"

Exile: "There's a first, a last and a middle name"

Colleen: "Giving the first is the mama's chore"

Exile: "Like Boris, Alexander or Fyador"

Blitz: "Last name comes from the family"

Exile: "Like Pushkin, Basylrov or Porfiry"

Colleen: "With the middle name, now here comes the fun. The papa gives his first name to the son"

Exile: "He then adds an -ovitch or -yevitch to the end"

Blitz: "Here is an example so you'll comprehend"

Colleen: "The papa's name is Sonov, now here's the switch"

Exile: "The kid's middle name is Sonov-ovich"

All: "So kid's middle name is Sonov-ovich. Ya!"

(Music Stops)

All: "Ooops!"

Russian Names Song (German format)
Lyrics by Tom Ruegger (from a poem)
As translated by Andreas Mueller


Stimme: "Nennen sie uns ihren Namen!"
Voice: "State your name!"
Wanja: "Wanja Michailowitsch Huskylov."
Exile: "Wanja Michailowitsch Huskylov."
Stimme: "Was ist denn das fuer ein Name?"
Voice: "What's that for a name?"
Wanja: "Das ist Russisch! Alle russischen Namen hoeren sich so an."
Exile: "It is Russian! All Russian names are sounding like this."
Colleen: "Das stimmt! Wissen sie..."
Colleen: "That's right! You know..."
(Music Starts)
Colleen: "Ein russischer Name ist nichts fur Lahme!"
Colleen: "A Russian name isn't something for slowpokes!"
Wanja: "Es gib Vor- und Vater- und Familienname."
Exile: "There are the first- and the father- and the family name."
Colleen: "Den Vornamen bietet meistens die Mama an."
Colleen: "The first name are often given by the mum."
Wanja: "Wie Boris, Sergej oder auch Iwan."
Exile: "Like Boris, Sergej or Iwan."
Blitz: "Familiennamen gibt es ebenso."
Blitz: "There are family names too."
Wanja: "Wie Puschkin, Tolstoj oder Gromyko."
Exile: "Like Puschkin, Tolstoj or Gromyko."
Colleen: "Mit dem Vaternamen faengt der Spass erst an Denn den gibt der Papa dem Sohnemann"
Colleen: "With the fathers name the fun begins cause this is given by the papa to the son."
Wanja: "Dann wird ein -owitsch oder editsch addiert."
Exile: "Then add an owitsch or -edisch."
Blitz: "Hier ist ein Beispiel damit ihrs kapiert"
Blitz: "Here is an example so you'll catch it."
Colleen: "Papas Name ist Tinte. Das ist kein Kitsch."
Colleen: "Papas name is ink and that is not a joke."
Wanja: "Der Vaternahme des Sohns ist Tintenwitsch."
Exile: "The father name of the son is Inkwitsch."
Alle: "Der Vatername des Sohns ist Tintenwitsch, yeah!!"
Alle: "The father name of the son is Inkwitsch, yeah!!"
(Music Stops)

Werewolf's Cure Song Lyrics by ??? Sung by Confusus


"Werewolf's curse… Werewolf's curse… Right, got it."


Pardon me.

(More coughing)

"The victim's problem will cease"

"When you have found the drool of the beast"

"Add water from the English moor"

"And you will have the perfect cure"

"But if you fail by the dawn of day"

"Forever a Werewolf he will stay"

"Now get! Get out!"

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Road Rovers, characters, names, situations, and any multimedia items found here are trademarks of Warner Bros. © 2003. I nor this web site are in any way, shape for form connected to Warner Bros. This web page is not meant to infringe on any copyrights held by Warner Bros. or its employees but solely as fan appreciation.