Animaniacs, Road Rovers, trademarks and characters are registered trademarks of Warner Bros. The following story is unauthorized and has not been approved by the Warner Bros. Studio. Setting: A set similar to the old Dating Game set. (the Dating Game logo appears on the the screen) Dot's Voice: It's time once again for another edition of the Dating Game, and here he is, the star of the Dating Game, Yakko Warner. (Yakko and Wakko enter the set while the logo fades) Yakko: Welcome folks to a special edition of the Dating Game. It's special because the contestants are from the superhero team known to WB fans over as the Road Rovers. Dot, why don't you introduce the bacholers. (Dot is seen at the area where the three date hopefuls are. The light on each on increases when they are introduced.) Dot: Bacholer number one is from the D.C. area. He is a very fast pup who is known for leading the team. Please say hello to Hunter. (Applause for Hunter) Dot: Bacholer number two is a husky from Siberia. He has a very powerful eye sight and likes to read, especially children's books by Dr. Seuss. Give a warm Dating Game welcome to Exile. (Applause for Exile) Dot: Bacholer number three is a Doberman from Germany. He likes to bite the rears off enemies and tries to score with today's bacholerette. Say hi to Blitz. (Only a frog croak can be heard) Blitz: Hey come on, I am the best of the team. (Back to Yakko and Wakko) Yakko: Well, we have met the bacholers. Now it's time for the bacholerette. Wakko, please introduce her. (Colleen enters the set, then takes a set during Wakko's introduction.) Wakko: Our bacholerette comes from London, England. She is a master in the area of Martial Arts and is the last Road Rover you want to make angry. Please say hello to Colleen. Yakko: Hi, Colleen. Now it's time for the host to say hi to the bacholerette. Yakko and Wakko: Hello, British collie nurse. Dot: Boys, go figure. Yakko: Now, it time for the bacholers to say hi to the bacholerette. Take it away guys. Hunter: Hello, Colleen. Call me when there is time away from our schedule of saving the world. Exile: Hello, Colleen. It is a pleasure to meet you in a non-world saving time. Blitz: Hello, pretty lady. How about a candlelight dinner after the show. Colleen: (reconizing the voice) Have we met before? Blitz: I hate it when she does that. Yakko: Now, Colleen, here are the rules of the game. You are to ask the bacholers questions that have no right or wrong answer. Okay, now let's begin. And Wakko, please stop the drooling. You know Dot hates that. (Wakko sticks his tounge back in his mouth) Wakko: Rats. Colleen: Bacholer number one, if there was a place in the U.S. where a good date can take place, where would it be? Hunter: I don't know, Colleen. Since I am a cool dog while you are the street smart type, all that I can think of is the Mission Control. Colleen: Bacholer number two, if you were to woo me, how would you do it? Exile: Simple, I will try to get your heart by saying something that is bad about Blitz. Blitz: Hey, I heard that. Dot: (getting in the middle of the seats) Now guys, stop it. Anyway, continue on. Colleen: Bacholer number three, how do you like it if I called you Fluffy? Blitz: Arrrrgh, you know I hate that name, so why can't you stop calling me that?! Wakko: Boy, does he need a big nap. Yakko: Yeah, the way he is getting angry, he deserves it. Anyway, back to the game. Colleen: Bacholer one, what would you give me to show your affection to me? Hunter: How about a tennis ball that I had in my mouth? Colleen: (sarcasticly) Yeah, and I am going to put it near my picture of Blintz. Hunter: You will, thanks. Colleen: Bacholer two, say we are on a date and you spilled some drink on your suit, what is the first thing you say? Exile: Bullshoi, I need to clean this up fast. Will you excuse me for a second. Colleen: Bacholer three, say I dis you after the first date, what will you do after the dissing? Blitz: I would bite your toushie. Exile: Don't be a weird boy. I think you need therapy. Wakko: And I know the right person for it, Dr. Otto Van Scratchandsniff, he is my personal p-sychiatrist, you know. Yakko: May we continue on, Wakko? Wakko: Okay. Colleen: Bacholer one, how do you mind it if a only called you once a month? Hunter: That would be great as long as I hear from you each month. Colleen: Bacholer two, how far would you go to get my attention. Exile: For starters, I may be your assistant when it comes to surgery, and then ask if I can faint after it. Colleen: Bacholer three, are you sure we have met before. Blitz: Why do I have a feeling this whole thing was planned by a Colleen fan? (Buzzer sounds) Yakko: Well, time is up for the questions. And we are also out of time, so until tomorrow..... Blitz: (interrupting) Wait, doesn't Colleen choose from one of the bacholers after the question round? That's how I remembered the show. Wakko: I know, but as long as you guys still are on the team, Colleen has some more time to choose a mate. (Blitz moans and continues it until the end) Yakko: As I was saying, (he and the other Warners kiss their hand and do the Dating Game ending) Yakko, Wakko, and Dot: Goodnight, everyone. The End